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Vintage handbags, or “authentic vintage” bags, are a collector and fashion icons. They’re also increasingly popular with consumers: the top vintage sellers on Etsy were all women’s handbags and purses. But not all vintage pieces are created equal. It can be difficult to find the perfect bag because there is such a wide range in quality and style. The following are How to Choose the Perfect Vintage Bags:
1. What should you consider when purchasing a vintage handbag?
A. First, think about what you need a bag for. If you want a bag to use daily, it’s best to look for one in excellent condition, with high-quality construction and an eye-catching design. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a special event or gift, it’s better to go for a “showstopper” bag that has unique features (such as unusual hardware or fabrics), since this kind of bag is rarely used and will remain in pristine condition longer than one used constantly.
2. What are some things to avoid when purchasing vintage handbags?
A. First, be wary of fakes. Depending on how well you know the seller and what sort of damage is visible on the authentic item, it’s possible to get a knockoff for cheap or sometimes even free. Second, if the bag has been repaired at all, it’s best not to buy it. While some vintage pieces may have been repaired in order to fix holes, many have been repaired in order to change a fabric design; this can result in a look that is entirely different from the authentic ones.
3. How should you select a vintage bag?
A. Generally, vintage bags are best found at estate sales, flea markets, and antique stores. For example, you’ll find steel-collared tote bags at vintage clothing stores and the occasional flea market. When buying online, be sure to look for sellers with a solid reputation.
4. How does the size of a vintage handbag affect its value?
A. This depends on two things: how much wear it has seen and how desirable it is in the first place! The more flaws or minor damage you see on your bag, the lower the price will be since no one wants a “used” piece of clothing (even vintage ones).
5. How do you know if your vintage bag is authentic?
A. The best way to tell if a vintage piece is authentic is to look at its tag. Even the smallest details can lead you to suspect the authenticity of a bag, like a logo or a trademark since many fakes are made with cheap imitations of original tags or brands.
Vintage handbags are fun, unique, and collectible items. And the number of vintage shops, antique stores, and flea markets is growing everywhere. From now on, you don’t have to pay a fortune to get your hands on the perfect bag in a flash.